Where is Dong Ken in Viet Nam?


Dong Ken is situated in the region VN in Viet Nam!

Search the name of a city:

Dongtian, Dongbianjing, Dongputou, Dongjiao Gongshe, Dongliu

Here you will find the location of Dong Ken on a map.
To see how it currently looks like outside, below are some pictures of the area from online web cameras.
You can also find the distance to the main cities in the region and to cities in the rest of Viet Nam.

World Cities
Cities in Viet Nam that are also found in other countries in the world.

Where is Dong Ken on the map?

Webcams near Dong Ken

Si Songkhram.

Si Songkhram - Day time
Si Songkhram - Current

Si Songkhram.

Si Songkhram - Day time
Si Songkhram - Current

Bueng Kan: Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road.

Bueng Kan: Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road - Day time
Bueng Kan: Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road - Chayangkun Road - Current

Webcams provided by windy.comadd a webcam


Where is Dong Ken relative to other places?

Top 10 cities in VN and distance from Dong Ken.

Am Ha Diem1-4025
Am Th2-4226
An Binh3-2717
An Han4-2918
An Hâu5-2918
An Hoa6-2113
An Hôi7-6339
An Le8-1912
An Nhiên9-1912
An Nhon10-623387

Top 10 cities in Viet Nam and distance from Dong Ken.

City # Populationkmmiles
Ho Chi Minh City13467426871541
Ha Noi31431377278173
Hai Phong4602718272169
Da Nang5472255372231
Biên Hòa6407224850528
Nha Trang8283452785488
Can Tho9259608945587
Rach Gia10228365951591


Statistics and Geographics

Viet Nam is made up of 32943 cities in 56 regions.

The region VN has 2319 cities.

Dong Ken is number 748 in the region VN.

The city is number 11248 in Viet Nam.

Where is Dong Ken in Viet Nam?