Where is Hok Tau in Hong Kong?


Hok Tau is situated in the region HK in Hong Kong!

Search the name of a city:

Hok Tsui Wan, Hok Tau Wai, Hok se Berg, Hok Chah, Hok Chap

Here you will find the location of Hok Tau on a map.
To see how it currently looks like outside, below are some pictures of the area from online web cameras.
You can also find the distance to the main cities in the region and to cities in the rest of Hong Kong.

World Cities
Cities in Hong Kong that are also found in other countries in the world.

Where is Hok Tau on the map?

Webcams near Hok Tau

Sheung Shui › North-West.

Sheung Shui › North-West - Day time
Sheung Shui › North-West - Current

Hong Kong › North-East.

Hong Kong › North-East - Day time
Hong Kong › North-East - Current

Hong Kong › West.

Hong Kong › West - Day time
Hong Kong › West - Current

Webcams provided by windy.comadd a webcam


Where is Hok Tau relative to other places?

Top 10 cities in HK and distance from Hok Tau.

A Kung Ngam2-2616
A Kung Tin3-85
A Kung Wan4-2113
A Ma Wat5-85
A Po Long6-2918
A Shan7-53
A Shan San Wai8-53
A Shan Shan Tsiu Lam9-53
A Shan Tseng Tau10-53

Top 10 cities in Hong Kong and distance from Hok Tau.

City # Populationkmmiles
A Kung Ngam22616
A Kung Tin385
A Kung Wan42113
A Ma Wat585
A Po Long62918
A Shan753
A Shan San Wai853
A Shan Shan Tsiu Lam953
A Shan Tseng Tau1053


Statistics and Geographics

Hong Kong is made up of 1261 cities in 0 regions.

The region HK has 1261 cities.

Hok Tau is number 194 in the region HK.

The city is number 194 in Hong Kong.

Where is Hok Tau in Hong Kong?

Regions in Hong Kong