Where is Playa de Caletón Chiquito in Dominican Republic?


Playa de Caletón Chiquito is situated in the region Maria Trinidad Sanchez in Dominican Republic!

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Playa Lakes, Playa de Muerto, Playa del Tarajal, Playa de Los Nietos, Playa Ancha

Here you will find the location of Playa de Caletón Chiquito on a map.
To see how it currently looks like outside, below are some pictures of the area from online web cameras.
You can also find the distance to the main cities in the region and to cities in the rest of Dominican Republic.

World Cities
Cities in Dominican Republic that are also found in other countries in the world.

Where is Playa de Caletón Chiquito on the map?

Webcams near Playa de Caletón Chiquito

Cabarete: Villa Taina.

Cabarete: Villa Taina - Day time
Cabarete: Villa Taina - Current

Puerto Plata: Isabel de Torres knoll.

Puerto Plata: Isabel de Torres knoll - Day time
Puerto Plata: Isabel de Torres knoll - Current

Friusa: Playa Macao - Marseille.

Friusa: Playa Macao - Marseille - Day time
Friusa: Playa Macao - Marseille - Current

Webcams provided by windy.comadd a webcam


Where is Playa de Caletón Chiquito relative to other places?

Top 10 cities in Maria Trinidad Sanchez and distance from Playa de Caletón Chiquito.

Alto del Rancho4-3522
Alto de Rancho5-3522
Alto Rancho6-3522
Arroyo al Medio Abajo8-2717
Arroyo al Medio Arriba9-2717
Arroyo al Medio10-2415

Top 10 cities in Dominican Republic and distance from Playa de Caletón Chiquito.

City # Populationkmmiles
Santo Domingo1220201613081
San Pedro de Macorís321790114691
La Romana4208439167104
San Cristóbal515404513785
San Francisco de Macorís61247725333
Puerto Plata81199088452
La Vega91024318050


Statistics and Geographics

Dominican Republic is made up of 10359 cities in 30 regions.

The region Maria Trinidad Sanchez has 332 cities.

Where is Playa de Caletón Chiquito in Dominican Republic?