Where is Phumi Bœ̆ng Per in Cambodia?


Phumi Bœ̆ng Per is situated in the region Kampong Thum in Cambodia!

Search the name of a city:

Phumi Smer, Phum Prêk Pikar, Phumi Trapeang Saoy Leu, Phumi Thmei (2), Phumi Ta Yœ̆ng

Here you will find the location of Phumi Bœ̆ng Per on a map.
To see how it currently looks like outside, below are some pictures of the area from online web cameras.
You can also find the distance to the main cities in the region and to cities in the rest of Cambodia.

World Cities
Cities in Cambodia that are also found in other countries in the world.

Where is Phumi Bœ̆ng Per on the map?

Webcams near Phumi Bœ̆ng Per

Random webcams:
(Sorry, there are no webcams registered at windy.com within 250 km of Phumi Bœ̆ng Per)

Munich: Rathaus-Glockenspiel - Marienplatz.

Munich: Rathaus-Glockenspiel - Marienplatz - Day time
Munich: Rathaus-Glockenspiel - Marienplatz - Current

Madrid: CIBELES 1.

Madrid: CIBELES 1 - Day time
Madrid: CIBELES 1 - Current

Gersthofen › West.

Gersthofen › West - Day time
Gersthofen › West - Current

Webcams provided by windy.comadd a webcam


Where is Phumi Bœ̆ng Per relative to other places?

Top 10 cities in Kampong Thum and distance from Phumi Bœ̆ng Per.

Kâmpóng Thum1199552717
Aelong Lok2-3119
Ampil Damtuk3-12779
Angk Khleang5-4528
Ang Konh6-149
Anlong Krâsang7-2717
Anlong Loc8-3119
Anlong Lok9-3119
Anlong Reach10-3924

Top 10 cities in Cambodia and distance from Phumi Bœ̆ng Per.

City # Populationkmmiles
Phnum Pénh1157352315697
Kampong Chhnang2753048251
Kâmpóng Cham36176112175
Ta Khmau552066163101
Phumi Samraong6278589257
Svay Rieng723956229142


Statistics and Geographics

Cambodia is made up of 14447 cities in 20 regions.

The region Kampong Thum has 1135 cities.

Phumi Bœ̆ng Per is number 257 in the region Kampong Thum.

The city is number 3036 in Cambodia.

Where is Phumi Bœ̆ng Per in Cambodia?